Laminating Equipment :: Narrow Format Roll Laminators
Lamination is the process of sealing a document (id card, letter, certificate, photograph, poster) or fabric between two layers of plastic film (one layer for single sided lamination). An extended version of laminating called "over laminating", is the process of mounting a laminated item to a "substrate" (stiff foam board, wood or metal backing) overlaid with laminating film.Roll laminators and Pouch laminators use heat to encase an item in plastic film. Tape laminators apply film with an adhesive backing . Dry Mount Press laminators use vacuum pressure instead of physical contact to apply film to high quality prints. These laminators are also ideal for transferring images to fabric.

D and K Poly Off Cleaner (DK-221065)
$101.00 Price You Pay $95.00

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